Robotics: A new phase of technology

The technology phase has changed so far. The ever-evolving technology landscape has provided a plethora of opportunities to the students in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, & Robotics. AI & ML has gained so much popularity in the past few years and India is still at a nascent stage in “Robotics”. Regional College is the best engineering college in Jaipur and assists students to learn “Robotics”. The college has placed a world record in Robotics. So, what are the interesting facts you should comply with the Robotics before proceeding with your career in the desired field?

Rise of Robotics

Industries are moving forward to improve the cost, efficiency, and performance of robots. Companies are now installed thousands of robots at the workplace to ease the task and work. The automotive industry has already picked the robots and its requirement signify a drastic growth in distinct fields like aerospace, agriculture, healthcare, &the defense sector. Armed forces are soon to use the robots for the military in the next decade. India’s surgical market will grow at a CAGR of 20% between 2017 and 2025.

Job opportunities

Industry 4.0 requires more and more engineers in robotics. The job opportunities in the market will grow soon as many students have shown their interest in the field of robotics. Students who have an interest in robotics are now choosing different domains like research & development, maintenance, monitoring & quality handling of the robots.

The best engineering college in Jaipur helps the students to grow their careers in the field of Robotics. Robotics has become a prime choice for students to learn as they can put all their creative minds in the field. If you want to grow your career in Robotics, then you should go with the Regional College in Jaipur.

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