RTU will organise around 150 programs like FDP in coming 4 months.
RTU will organise around 150 programs like FDP in coming 4 months.
As you all know the facility development program is being organised for five days. The Vice Chancellor of RTU Professor R.A. Gupta shared that approx 150 programs will be organised by RTU in coming few months.
Appearing as a chief guest on Day one of the faculty development program he added that as per AICTE norms, new courses related to machine learning and AI, Initially following the guidelines the programs will be organised accordingly for faculty development so that they can be fully trained. Within this course of action few obstacles were discussed with the faculty and briefed them about both AI and machine learning.
He also shared his views on python language and guided about using the same language in artificial intelligence and machine learning.By implementing python language in AI and machine learning, we can get better results by putting optimum efforts.
The exports for the day one spoke about data analytics using python and feature selection using nature inspired algorithms. Export has also mentioned the future of technical academics and the vast career opportunities with me.
The FDP day one was inaugurated by principal Pramod Sharma, RTU and he briefed about the further going five days program. On the day one audience of faculties and scholars who have attended the inaugural programme find this programme quite beneficial.
RTU is happy to announce many upcoming fruitful programmes like these and takes pride in building a good foundation for the future today so that we can have better tomorrow.
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