Top job skills you need to learn Post COVID-19

Post coronavirus world has transformed us in a great way and we all know the various sectors of the economy have been hit hard due to the pandemic. The layoffs that followed are something that has made the condition worse.

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Career Options: What to do after engineering

Engineering is the most popular course among students after school. Choosing the right career is a critical task for studentsand the most difficult thing is to choose what to do after engineering. Well, don’t get panic! There are diverse opportunities

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How to Make a Career Choice When You Are Undecided

Choosing the right career is not an easy task. After completion of secondary education, people will ask about your plans, career options, etc.A career makes a big impact on your future and choosing the right one is important. Whether you

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Production Engineering: A career area to choose

Production engineering is a learning of manufacturing technology and management science. It helps in designing and planning a product. Production engineering is the backbone of every industry and deals with the complete process of manufacturing. Production Engineering refers to the

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Some Creative ways to engage students

Students are the future of our country.Practical learning for studentsencourages better understanding with real-life examples. There are many ways to keep the students engaged to learn. The best engineering college in Jaipur is needed and applied some creative ways to

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What you should look for before choosing a college

Best engineering colleges are providing great amenities, and ambiance to attract students. These ambiance and amenities are signifying the aspect of the college. When a student wants to be a part of the best engineering college in Jaipur, they should

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How Future Classrooms will look like?

“We need technology in every classroom and every student and teacher’s hand because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” David Warlick The advancement of

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Education will Transform

Regional College is the best private engineering college in Jaipur that offers you to learn Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering and explore your career in Robotics and advanced intelligence. Robotics is an emerging career option for engineers and

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